We strive to help people achieve or manage change in a way that best fits their circumstances, resources and personal approach to life.
We believe that people bring pre-existing strengths and resources to whatever challenges they face in life, as well as understanding that what works for one person may not work for another – you are not a textbook and should not be treated as such. Our aim is not to tell people what they need, but to help put them back in touch with what they already know and can do for themselves.
We believe that people do not exist in isolation, but are a part of a broader set of systems around them – partners, families, workplaces, communities, faiths – as well as their own inner systems of mind, body and spirit. As such, our approach to working with people around change is the belief that change to any one part of their systems can ripple out to others. We aim to help people identify the best starting point within their connected systems in order to create greater change across their lives.
We believe that most people are doing the best they can at any given time with the resources currently at their disposal, and that where we sometimes become stuck is attempting to do more of the same when something does not work, or attempting change at an unhelpful level. We aim to help people identify new and more helpful strategies or solutions that fit their circumstances, to help think outside of the box and do something different.

We always aim to borrow from relevant counselling approaches in a way that best suits our clients and their experiences – whether Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Existential Therapy, Acceptance-Commitment Therapy or others – in a creative and down-to-earth way.