The Third Space (Part 2)

The Third Space (Part 2)
We continue on from the previous exploration of the “Third Space’ concept as written about by Dr Adam Fraser (2012). After taking a few moments to reflect on the role or space we have just completed, such as finishing work, and particularly attempting to frame this in positive or constructive terms, it is important to take a moment to pause and refresh. Dr Fraser calls this the ‘rest’ phase – an opportunity to rest the mind, as well as further marking a line in the sand between spaces.
This rest phase need only take a few minutes at most. Some great examples include stopping the car for a few minutes on the way home and practicing some mindfulness or deep breathing, or sitting in our room for a few moments listening to a relaxation exercise after putting the kids to bed to. Some extreme examples even including people constructing new entrances into the bedroom from the garage in order to bypass the family for a few minutes after work, so as to shower and change before entering into their family role.
What’s most important here is simply allowing ourselves to be still and present, and to ‘turn off’ briefly rather than rushing into the next role or activity. By allowing ourselves to be still, even for a moment, our mind can hit the reset button, and we are more able to turn up to the next space refreshed and ready to go. Of course, the last phase is about considering exactly how we wish to ‘turn up’ to the next space – what mindset do we wish to enter with. More next time!
More next time!